5 X £10 Prizeathon!

Congratulations to our 5 winners: Michelle, Sara, Julia, Martin and Janice.

Winner's ScreenshotAs some of you may know, somehow yesterday’s golden ticket was missed – it showed up at 9pm but wasn’t claimed! We’re not sure how this happened, the ticket is definitely hard to miss (see our £5 winner Sara’s screenshot of her ticket). I’ve also added an admin screenshot to prove it was shown.

Missed Ticket

The good news is we’re going to give away the £50 as 5 separate £10 prizes in a Prizeathon!

The Prizeathon will be tomorrow 13th March between 10am and 10pm. For a chance to win, all you need to is find a limited edition £10 golden ticket at the top of THIS page during those times. Simple as that!

Good luck!

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[…] missed – given out as5 X £10 prizes […]

Tracy Graham
Tracy Graham

Well done to all the winners yesterday I couldn’t be bothered with the negativity so I stopped playing (but that’s my problem not yours)! Enjoy your winnings guys and girls!! ? T.x

Angie Manton
Angie Manton

Congrats to all the winners.


Well done to all 5 Prizeathon winners !! ?????

Angie Manton
Angie Manton

This is so addictive!!


Have they all been found or are there still 3 left?

sara humphreys
sara humphreys

For sure 3 have been won, so maybe 2 left
The winner section probably will be updated tomorrow.



Angie Manton
Angie Manton

So we are half way through the time, but not 1 win yet?


As far as I can tell form the comments here there have been at least 2 wins.

Angie Manton
Angie Manton

Oh, ok I see, I was just going by the winners page. Thanks for putting me right Rachel! Best of luck to you.

sara humphreys
sara humphreys

I won one too 🙂
So 3 that we know of, maybe 2 more to show, good luck x


well done !


Thank you, best of luck to you too!


I won one just after 12pm. I did post a thank you comment here but for some reason, it said waiting for moderation then just never showed up.


I also won one, just after 12pm. I did post a thank you but for some reason my comment didn’t come through.

Tracy Graham
Tracy Graham

If hou read the previous comments there have been at least two winners so far! But I would have been praying there hadn’t been instead of wishing there had been if I were you because it would have meant you had a better chance of winning!
You would obviously just try and insinuate that it’s a con!
Totally uncalled for!! T.x

Angie Manton
Angie Manton

I certainly was not trying to insinuate this site is a con….. it hadn’t even come in to my head. I love this site!

Tracy Graham
Tracy Graham

Fine in that case why would you have said that in the 1st place?
I’m sorry if I went on the defence of this fab site so quickly but there is usually always someone questioning the way free money is being given out as well as it’s authenticity and that is how your initial comment came across. I’ve been at the hospital all day to pop on here and see your initial comment got my back up.
It is nice to see all the negativity come my way simply for sticking up for Win Wonga!! ??? T.x


Just found £10 a silver ticket. Thank you 🙂


You’re welcome Michelle, thanks for playing and congratulations on your win 🙂


The adverts have gone from the pages. It says operation timed out. Not sure if it is just mine or if others have the same thing. I have taken a sceeenshot. Just thought i would let you know x


Ok, I’m not sure what’s wrong with the ads but thanks for letting me know Paula. It won’t affect you viewing the tickets though just to reassure you 🙂

Tracy Graham
Tracy Graham

I’ve just come on the to look for a special edition ticket started scrolling and bumped straight into…….

Sara’s screenshot of her winning ticket!! Lol

I’d forgotten it was there (1st time on page today). My stomach
did a little somersault as my brian finally kicked into gear a split second later! Lol
Oh well if at 1st you don’t succeed try, try again!! ? T.x


Oh my word you must be gutted Tracy! I hope you find the real one and get another stomach somersault 🙂 The limited edition one is a silvery-grey so a bit different to the golden ticket (but the same massive size so you can’t miss it!)

Tracy Graham
Tracy Graham

Just a little bit, I’m sure it would have been worse if it was the £50 one!! ??
You’ve mentioned further down the page that the homepage is the golden ticket page ~ I thought it was sll maaon pages! Doh again!! (Although I did wonder that last weekend).


I only just changed that Tracy after someone missed their claim – I thought if it is limited to the homepage then people only have one place to look. It might have been someone entering an answer on the comp and forgetting to look at the top of the page at the same time.

debbi ruskin
debbi ruskin

That’s exactly what I could imagine myself doing, too busy checking the comp (or chatting, lol) to remember to look at the top of the page once it had finished loading. A single page to check is much better 🙂 Of course now we have all of these OTHER great comps to keep refreshing, lol


Ooooh Tracy, I guess I beat you to it! Sorry……… I was playing the 10 am LP at the time so it all got a bit exciting! Keep trying, you seem to have a lucky streak anyway!!! btw good luck on the health issues you are experiencing at the moment… hugs ***


I have won one of the £10 Prizeathon prizes today! Payment in my Paypal account within 5 minutes. Very impressive. Thanks Winwonga, loving the site.

martin wilding

Just won £10 thanks win wonga it’s made my way x


That’s wonderful to hear Martin, you’re very welcome, thanks for playing 🙂


Good luck everyone!

sara humphreys
sara humphreys

The grey image of the golden ticket is fab, think now there can be no confusion for everyone whose is enjoying your site!
I have a question though,.the prizeathon tomorrow, you say above the ticket will be on THIS page ?. So not in gtey image area ? Sorry as i know you must be headless and very busy with this site!


Don’t worry about asking questions Sara, that’s what I’m here for 🙂

So the Prizeathon tomorrow is separate to the golden ticket, and a limited edition £10 ticket may be displayed at the top of THIS page only (to be clear: not the homepage).

If you think of the golden ticket as the main aim of the site and the competitions as a separate section with individual pages each, hopefully that clears it up a bit? Let me know if I’ve not explained this very well!

sara humphreys
sara humphreys

Ah ok thank you! Such a great site!
You can see everyone is loving it!

Sean Worledge
Sean Worledge

Kudos to you WinWonga your the best for giving everyone another chance at this prize ? I’m with you Debbie on hoping it wasn’t me that missed out as my Internet has really been playing up lately sometimes the page doesn’t load so I have to give up, I’m not sure if it happened at 9pm though. ? x

debbi ruskin
debbi ruskin

Hope it wasn’t me that missed it but good for you finding another way to give the cash away & share it around 🙂 Just one thing – how do we “fine” the ticket? Lol


Not letting me get away with anything today are you Debbi 😉

debbi ruskin
debbi ruskin

Maybe one day I will “get a life” & stop lurking around these pages (but I wouldn’t hold your breath)


If getting a life means to stop checking this awesome site, then I highly discourage it 😉