Baby Budgeting – The Parents’ Guide to Saving Money

I’ve stumbled across another money-saving blog I’d like to share with you. It’s ideal for fellow mums (and dads!) who are looking to save some of their hard-earned pennies.

Raising kids sure does add up: entertainment, groceries, clothes, technology, special occasions… It can take a real toll on your bank balance! Well, mum of 2 Becky has all of that covered. Becky’s blog helps you figure out how to raise a family on a budget.

Money-Saving Tips

Baby BudgetingIn her award-winning blog Baby Budgeting, Becky shares money-saving tips from planning your children’s inheritance to saving money when you eat out. Tips range from baby to older kids, so there’s something for all parents.

Baby Budgeting also welcomes guest bloggers, which means you can find advice and ideas from related bloggers all in one place. Some of my favourite guest posts include Sara Williams’ write-up on not buying baby stuff on a credit card and the collaborative quiz to find out your ‘mum salary’!

Baby Budgeting Comps

Now I know many FBLers love a good comp so you’ll be glad to know that Becky also runs regular competitions. The current one is a chance to win an Origami style Dinosaur Lamp from Totally Funky. Previously there was a lovely Mother’s Day giveaway: a pamper hamper worth £88! I’d say it’s definitely worth keeping an eye out.

There is another section dedicated to reviewing products. The most recent is about Snuggles My Dream Puppy from Little Live Pets. My son is in love with pugs at the moment, so I could totally relate to Becky when she said her house means she can’t get her daughter a dog. It’s good to see products through the eyes of another mum, so again, this section is well worth checking out.

What’s Becky’s best-ever post? Well, it’s got to be the one about Free Birthdate Lottery of course. 😀

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