Do prizes roll over?


Do prizes roll over?


Not at the moment. As of writing, the site is 6 months old and gets £1-3 ad revenue per day. With rollovers enabled, prizes would cost me £600/month (+ comp prizes, hosting, emails etc.) The site is just run by me and my pockets aren’t that deep 🙂 With rollovers disabled, it gives me (or rather my bank balance) a chance to catch up when someone misses a claim.

When FBL launched, rollovers were enabled because FBL started out as a single weekly draw. It’s now two daily draws, so it is growing (yay) but it just means until ad revenue allows, rollovers are paused (boo). I’ll always increase prizes when I can – it’s good for the site too, as it draws in more interest. I just don’t want to bankrupt myself in the process 🙂

I did get revenue up to £10 a day very briefly a couple of months ago, but the site was going through some teething problems to do with hosting and I had to redesign the site to accommodate high traffic (which was sort of a good thing!) So it is achievable, it’s just a learning curve.

My two main goals with FBL have been to get on Money Saving Expert and bring in enough revenue to enable rollovers, as I think those two things “establish” the site. One down, one to go. 🙂

I try to offer bigger prizes in the one-off competitions so keep a beady eye out for those 🙂


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