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And The Winner Is…
Joanne – DOB 20/08/1970
[Claim Expired]
Thank you so much to everyone who took part.
Previous Answers
1. What is the capital city of Norway ? – Oslo
2. What colour is a polar bear’s skin ? – Black
3. What is the highest mountain in the UK ? – Ben Nevis
4. In what US State is the city Nashville ? – Tennessee
5. Who wrote the novels Gone Girl and Sharp Objects ? – Gillian Flynn
6. How many time zones are there in Russia ? – 11
7. What is the capital of Canada ? – Ottawa
8. In what year was the London Underground opened ? – 1863
9. In which city were the 2020 Olympics meant to have been held ? – Tokyo
10. What does IPA stand for in terms of a style of beer ? – India Pale Ale
11. In what year was the company Nintendo founded ? – 1889
12. Who won ‘Dancing on Ice’ in 2020 ? – Joe Swash
13. What does ‘Pt’ represent on the periodic table ? – Platinum
14. In which month was Prince George born ? – July
15. What nut is in the middle of a Ferrero Rocher ? – Hazelnut
16. What is Postman Pat’s surname ? – Clifton
17. Which is the only vowel not used as the first letter in a US state ? – E
18. What is the capital city of Portugal ? – Lisbon
19. What was the name of the actor who played Jack Dawson in the 1997 film Titanic ? – Leonardo DiCaprio
20. How many pounds are there in a stone ? – 14
21. Who originally sang the song ‘Moon River’ ? – Audrey Hepburn
22. In what year was the first Apple iPhone released ? – 2007
23. Who was the youngest British Prime Minister (1783) ? – William Pitt the Younger
24. Who came first in The X Factor (UK) in 2010, the year that One Direction were runners up ? – Matt Cardle
25. In what county is the seaside resort of Cromer ? – Norfolk
26. What is the name of the fictional island that Jurassic Park was built on (first novel and its film adaptation) ? – Isla Nublar
27. How many millimetres are there in 10 centimetres ? – 100
28. What colour are the seats in the House of Commons ? – Green
February 2021 – Quiz – Win £10
This month we are having a quiz. Each day in February a different question will be displayed below. You just need to answer the question. If you manage to answer a question correctly you will receive 2 entries into the draw. If you manage to guess the answer correctly you will receive 2 entries into the draw. If you get it wrong you will receive 1 entry (just for giving it a try). All entries will be pooled at the end of the month and one winner drawn at random.
The competition started on 1st February 2021 and runs until the end of the month. The last question will be shown on 28th February 2021, with the winner being announced here on 1st March 2021. The winner will then have 24 hours to claim their £10 cash prize. If you don’t claim your prize by 11am on 2nd March you will unfortunately lose out. No late claims accepted.
Oooo nooo joanne you didnt claim, its passed 11.00am now, so you cant claim it now.
How long does the winner of February have to claim as still showing as not claimed
Til 11.00 am the next day. So she has missed out now. What a shame.
I thought they picked another winner then?
who is the winner of the February quiz? The month is over.
Hi. The winner is shown above. It was announced at 11am on 1st March. Thanks, Daniel
Its unclaimed….. Re-draw 😋
Unfortunately it doesnt work like that.
I know. I was being mischievous 😊
Congratulations Joanne. Nice.
Well done Joanne, enjoy,
Spend it wisely Joanne 😁
Congratulations Joanne!
Well done Joanne!
12:35 still on yesterday’s question. Check back in a couple of hours and it’s usually sorted, otherwise answer as yesterday and it usually accepted because of delay 🙄
Todays is now showing. A nice easy maths one.
I’ve just put in yesterday’s answer just in case. Will check later on again.
Right confessions – who now
has the JP theme song running through their head? 😀
I don’t think One Direction were Runners Up? They came third I believe
Yep, they did come third
Today’s question has two possible answers if a bit of research about it is done
How many pounds in a stone? Depends how heavy the stone is! 😁
I’m disappointed my 8 year old didn’t know postman pats last name but his dad did lol
Doh! I put April because I was thinking of Louis being born on St Georges Day, but the name had already been given to his brother! Note to self – read question properly!
Todays answer surprised me
Me too. Big fan of Nintendo.
Daniel: you need to amend your instructions. The winner will need to claim by 11am on 2 March, not 2 October!!
Hi Aileen – Well spotted, that is a little too long! I’ll get that corrected. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Daniel.
Watch today’s if you google it as I fell for this before when this same question was asked!!
Not sure what you mean, what did you put last time, I put Tennessee.
If you google the question, top of the listings is Illinois!!
If you highlight the question it literally comes up with Tennessee in the answer box. I wonder how you are googling it?
If I copy and paste the question to google then Illinois comes up top of my results. Same when I went to Bing, Illinois was top of the results.
No I got Tennessee
Nashville, also called Nashville-Davidson, city, capital (1843) of Tennessee, U.S., and seat (1784–1963) of Davidson county. Nashville lies on the Cumberland River in the north-central part of the state
What else came up when you Googled it?
Arkansas, Illinois, Georgia & Kansas are states that have cities called Nashville, but Tennessee is obviously the most well known.
I nearly put white but then thought hang on that’s fur not skin so googled it lol