I Made £294.30 with TopCashback Just By Shopping Like Normal

A lot of shopping is done online these days. Whether it’s for groceries or clothes, there are so many benefits to shopping online rather than in person: no queues, transparent stock levels (usually), no dragging the kids around, being able to compare prices. It’s a life saver for me when it comes to Christmas shopping (I’m not a fan of being packed into shops like a sardine).

How to Earn Cashback

TopCashbackWith TopCashback, I just shop as normal but check first to see if I can get money off. I used to forget to check sometimes (and kick myself for it!) but now they even have a browser extension to remind you that the shop you’re using gives cashback. I’ve now saved myself nearly £300, on purchases I would have made anyway!

Maximum Cashback

I tend to find I get the most cashback on car insurance and broadband deals. Each time a renewal is due, I use price comparison sites like Go Compare or Confused.com to find the best deal, and then make the purchase via TopCashback.

You will find a lot of deals are for new members only. Sometimes people prefer to stick with what they know, but it can often pay off to try new things. For example, you may currently use Tesco for your online grocery shopping, but Asda have an exclusive offer on TopCashback at the moment, where you get £8.40 cashback when you spend just £25 with them.

This is also true for renewals on insurance, energy bills or broadband and TV. It may seem faffy to swap, but I have switched all 3 this year and saved hundreds. Often when you ring to cancel your current provider, they will match the deal you have found and you won’t have to swap after all, but you still save money.

TopCashback is completely free to join, so why not give it a try? I’d love to know how you get on.

(This post includes affiliate links which means a small commission is paid to me if you make a purchase via the links. This helps fund the draw prizes.)

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