Looking for a smarter way to invest? Interactive Investor (ii) is offering a fantastic 12-month fee-free period when you open a new account through our link!

How Does It Work?
- Open an Account – Sign up for an ii SIPP, Stocks and Shares ISA, Managed ISA, or Trading Account using our referral link.
- Fund Your Account – Deposit or transfer £5,000 or more
- Enjoy 12 Months with No Subscription Fees!
Once you meet the funding requirements, your fee-free period starts within 10 working days and lasts for a full year.
Why Choose Interactive Investor?
- Flat-fee pricing – Transparent and simple charges.
- Award-winning platform – Trusted by thousands of UK investors.
- Diverse investment options – Access shares, funds, ETFs, and more.
- Reliable and secure – A trusted, FCA-regulated investment provider.
- Expert insights and tools – Stay ahead with market analysis and investment research.
This is a great opportunity to start investing with zero monthly fees for a year—don’t miss out!
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