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And The Winner Is…
Elaine DOB 31/12/58
Thank you so much to everyone who took part.
Previous Answers
1. What name do the Scots give to New Year’s Eve? – Hogmanay
2. How many days are there in February this year (2019) ? – 28
3. What is the capital city of China ? – Beijing
4. Who created the TV series X-Files ? – Chris Carter
5. What is 1,000 x 100 ? = 100,000
6. A Chelonioidea is more commonly known as what ? – Sea Turtle
7. What does the letter ‘I’ stand for in the TV network ITV ? – Independent
8. How many months in the year have the letter ‘R’ in them ? – 8
9. What country is Pecorino cheese from ? – Italy
10. What is 100 x 500 ? – 50,000
11. In which US state is ‘Area 51’ located ? – Nevada
12. By what name is Germany known in its native language ? – Deutschland
13. Who was born first; Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Cruise ? – Tom Cruise
14. Which game, now a popular sport was originally called ‘Whiff-Whaff’ in the late 19th century ? – Table Tennis
15. Jack Dorsey founded which social network in March 2006 ? – Twitter
16. Amarelle, Mary Duke and Morello are all types of which fruit ? – Cherry
17. The 2018 Eurovision Song Contest was held in which city ? – Lisbon
18. If it takes 3 men 2 hours to dig a hole, how long will it theoretically take one man ? – 6 Hours
19. Which country is also called the Hellenic Republic ? – Greece
20. Who was the director of the movie ‘ET – The Extra Terrestrial’ ? – Steven Spielberg
21. Hamlet was the Prince of which country ? – Denmark
22. Which city is the capital city of Spain ? – Madrid
23. What meat is traditionally used in a Cottage Pie ? – Beef
24. How many months are there in 12 years ? – 144
25. Which French town is known for its mustard ? – Dijon
26. What is a young penquin called ? – Chick (or Nestling)
27. What day of the week is Christmas Day this year (2019) ? – Wednesday
28. What number does D represent in Roman Numerals ? – 500
29. Welsh rarebit is another name for ‘what’ on toast ? – Cheese
30. What is lowered through a hawse hole on a ship ? – Anchor, Cables, Hawser or Rope
31. What is the capital city of Hungary ? – Budapest
January 2019 Quiz – Win £10
This month we are having a quiz. Each day in January a different question will be displayed below. You just need to answer the question. If you manage to answer a question correctly you will receive 2 entries into the draw. If you get the question wrong you will receive 1 entry (just for giving it a try). All entries will be pooled at the end of the month and one winner drawn at random.
The competition started on 1st January 2019 and runs until the end of the month. The last question will be shown on 31st January 2019, with the winner being announced here on 1st February 2019 at 11am. The winner will then have 24 hours to claim their £10 cash prize.
Well done Elaine!
Congratulations Elaine. 🎉
Well done Elaine !
Well done Elaine DOB 31/12/58, congratulations
Congratulations Elaine 👍 Well done for winning the comp, hope you claim it!
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE fingers crossed
🦋 Today’s final clue made me laugh as it brought back so many memories of when one of my sons was a toddler and he asked me “ mummy, why do you always say I’m a “ Hungary “ ( He didn’t say the country but I can’t tell you what he said until tomorrow as it is today’s answer !! ) If anyone thinks they know the 2 words we sometimes call our kids when they’re playing up then they could get the actual answer !! 😉Thinking caps on everyone 🤔 and Good Luck to you all !🍀🤞and a… Read more »
I only put anchor chain and Cable, not everything.
Is this acceptable for full points.
I think daniel is covering himself, any of those mentioned will be accepted I think.
Yes, any of those answers is correct! Good Luck, Daniel
I always get this confused with the Romanian capital.
Sometimes I surprise myself with the amount of useless information I know! Lol 😂
I think you will have differing answers for today’s clue. I will wait for the official answer before I add further comment
Put one answer which whilst correct is not the only answer….. oh well. At least i get a point for entering.
I have put the answer I think you are trying to get, but Welsh Rarebit is much more than just one item on toast.
I was just thinking the same thing. You are quite right.
I saw it on the menu board at the leisure centre when I was ten and thought it was bunny on toast. 🙁
Strange that baby penguins can be called nestlings when they don’t have a nest (maybe Galapagos penguins do?). can’t help but think feetlings would be more appropriate!
there are technically 2 answers to today’s (26th) question. One is more popular than the other. I’ve put both. Hope that is ok
I did the same but I put the most popular 1st lol T.x
Penguin is spelled with a G not a Q 😉
Nope, still spelled with a G 🙂 These are not correct.
I concur, it is spelt Penguin.
I thought yesterday’s (24th) question was a little gross!
(I’ll get my coat.)
I so wanted to say that on the day but didn’t want to give clues, lol
I had to wait 24 hrs to post it. It was murder. I was so scared somebody else would first.
I put mince beef in for the cottage pie answer yesterday, will that still be correct as the answer was just beef?
Yes, that is correct – minced or not minced 😉 Good Luck, Daniel
Ahh thank you! I look forward to coming here everyday, even though I’ve not been a member that long, it’s great fun, thank you for doing everything you do 😊
Same here Ann, lucky Daniel accepted it 😀
You ask a question about a play David Tennant was in!
Nope. Still don’t understand your comment. I must be missing something.
Query question 18….. 1st big is the hole ??… 2nd… has tiredness been taken into account ??… 3rd… 3 men to make potholes when nature does on its own !!!….
If they worked for the city, it would probably take one man half an hour to dig the hole because there would be no one else to talk to or drink beer with.