Skint Dad – The Award-Winning, Money-Saving Blog

Winner Announcement

Thanks very much to all those who took part. I’m delighted to announce the winner is Stevek [prize claimed] for sharing the tip about bank account skimming!

Free Birthdate Lottery has teamed up with Skint Dad, the daddy of all money-saving blogs! Behind the savvy site, which was recently crowned Financial Blog of Year 2016 at the prestigious Headline Money Awards, is husband and wife duo, Ricky and Naomi Willis. Built up in just three years, they now boast a monthly readership of over 150k! And I can see why…

Save Money with Skint Dad

Skint Dad’s motto is where every penny counts and the site aims to show others how to look after their money in a simple, human way. From cutting back on the groceries, to topping up your income, Skint Dad is packed with new ideas and top tips.

Skint DadThe best thing about Skint Dad is anyone can learn something, whether you’re a uni student looking to blog in your spare time or a new parent trying to budget for nappies. You don’t need to worry about any dreaded jargon; the information comes across in an approachable, relatable way and Ricky and Naomi are on hand to answer any questions or offer advice.

The folks behind Skint Dad are really interactive and have an ever-growing community on Facebook with over 20k fans. In fact, they have currently got a private Facebook group set up for anyone who wants to get exclusive tips on reducing their supermarket spend. They run regular competitions to win supermarket vouchers and it’s a great place to exchange money-saving ideas.

Exclusive £10 Prize Draw for Skint Dad Readers

To enter the draw, simply comment your favourite Skint Dad tip below! You could mention how you implemented the tip in real life and whether or not it had much impact. How much money did you make or save? Have you shared the tip with friends and family? Have they saved money too?

A winner will be announced here at 11am on 1st March and will have 24 hours to claim their prize.

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My favourite tip is the bank account skimming, I’ve already saved over £100 for my next holiday!


“How This Dad is Making Money Selling Home Videos” i’ve actually followed the instructions with a cute video so lets see what happens! how exciting x


Have only been following the group for a few weeks, but have noticed a change in the way I shop and use food. Love all the tips and shared recipes, I’m a real foodie so it’s good to see so many people cooking from scratch. Great tips on Apps too. Joined Receipt Hog. Must have saves £50 last month. Money saved will go towards much needed home renovations.


My favourite is a combo of womb king and receipt apps. My entire family are involved. Even my grandkids look out for receipts and we are saving for holiday spending money to do something special whilst we’re away for my husbands 60th birthday and our 10th wedding anniversary. It’s hard to choose tho cos I use so many of his tips now like 2nd nature


Best tip from skint dad from zeek! Getting £5 free from referring friends to the gift voucher app!


Thanks for the awesome write up Hazel! Love your site 🙂

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