Valentine’s Day Comp – £10 Cash Prize ??❤

As promised, each day as of today (1st), I will announce the finalists in reverse order! Thanks so much to everyone who entered.

1st Place goes to Viv [prize claimed]

This is a beautiful picture anyway but it especially stood out to me because it reminds me of growing up with my sister Heather. She is my best friend in the whole world and always there for me, so I just had to choose this one as the winner 🙂

Sisterly love: I will always be there for you.

2nd Place goes to Luke

The roots of love are always around us.

3rd Place goes to Tiffeny & Sapphire

Sapphire Admiring Her Valentine’s Card

4th Place goes to Carol

5th Place goes to Graham

Love is……

Well, I had to do something fun for Valentine’s Day, didn’t I? 🙂

Valentine's BobThe aim of the game for this competition is to submit a Valentine’s photo with a caption. All kinds of (PG-rated!) entries will be accepted, whether it’s a romantic photo of you with your other half or a lovey-dovey photo of your dogs getting married!

I can’t wait to see what you come up with – just don’t forget to add a caption!

1 entry per member and please get permission from anyone in the photo. 🙂

Send your entries via Facebook, Twitter or Google+ with hashtag #lovefbl or email by midnight 28th February 2017.

Starting 1st March, the entries which came in 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd place will be revealed at 11am each day with the winner being announced on 5th March. The winner will have 24 hours to claim their prize at the top of this page.

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Thank you for choosing my picture as the winner, it was taken a few weeks ago on the North Yorkshire coast, and is very special to me.


Aww so happy we got 3rd place, thank you! ? xx


Thankyou for the opportunity, great fun 🙂 x

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