Win Your Choice of Mother’s Day Bouquet

Winner Announcement

I have never found it so hard to pick a winner before! Thank you for all your lovely stories and precious memories. So many mums were worthy winners but I could only pick one.

Congratulations to Debbi Ruskin whose entry both brought a tear to my eye and smile to my face: “My Mum was a constant support to me & I have so many precious memories but the one I hold dear was laughing & joking with her about how she would love having some strippers as entertainment in the home where she lived out her final days. This happened when she emerged for a couple of weeks from the fog that had clouded her mind for the previous few years – she passed away a couple of months later but that time with my real Mum again was wonderful x If I won I would give this to the lovely lady who has made me a grandmother 🙂 ”

Mother's Day CompetitionMother’s Day may be a few weeks away (26th March), but I thought I would get this competition started early so the prize can be delivered in time for Mother’s Day itself! This competition is open to sons and daughters, or anyone who knows a special mum who deserves a little treat.

The prize will be a Mother’s Day bouquet of your choice from up to the value of £20. All of their bouquets come with free chocolates too! You can find out how to enter the competition below.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Bunches offer a range of great value flowers from just £14.99 with free UK delivery. There voucher code BUNMDAY17 will get you 10% off too! Here’s a few Mother’s Day gift ideas they have available:

Say it with flowers

Spring Tulips
Spring Tulips
Marvellous Mum Gift with Candle
Marvellous Mum Gift with Candle

Flowers every year? Try Planters or Hampers instead

Ladies Rose & Treats Gift
Ladies Rose & Treats Gift
Mum's Flower Planter
Mum’s Flower Planter

Is she not a fan of pink?

Freesias and Tulips
Freesias and Tulips

Mother’s Day Competition

To enter the competition, it’s simple. Just comment your favourite memory of your mum below. It could be something that makes you laugh to this day, or a time they helped in a way no one else ever would. Please comment by midnight on 21st March 2017.

All mums are special, but I’m afraid only one can be chosen for this competition! A winner will be announced on this page at 9am on 22nd March 2017. They must claim their prize by 4pm that day, so the bouquet can be posted out in time for Mother’s Day. Please make a reminder of this date or opt in for email reminders, if you are likely to forget to check the results. Unfortunately if you don’t claim by this deadline, no prize or cash alternative can be offered.

Good luck!

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Congratulations “DEBBI RUSKIN” what a lovely memory I’m sure alot of us can relate to you’re memory in a similar kind of way.
“HAPPY MOTHERS DAY” to you and all mums out there you do an amazing job, after all where would we be without you? “Mothers day” has officially been changed to #HappyMothersMonth ?? you heard it here first. ?


Congrats Debbie.


My best memories of my mum probably involve her unconventional character. She always prefers to things her own way rather than go along with the crowd, a trait I think I’ve inherited from her. Being a trained Secondary school teacher herself, she always had strong ideas/opinions about education related things. When I was in Year 6 of Primary school, my teacher started setting us a lot of homework, and when I told my mum I couldn’t join in with something family related, because I had to do my homework, she was really cross. The next day she went up to… Read more »

Zoe Guyan
Zoe Guyan

Mum putting £50 down on the pool table at the pub, betting she’d beat the best guy in there… and that she did! She cleared up, he didn’t even get a shot! Later on she fell off the bar stool and dented the metal foot bar with her head, it’s still there now hahaha


Mum had always had us all for Christmas dinner and prided herself every year on laying on a good spread that was immaculately presented. It was all part of the Ceremony that I remember so well except that that one year she had forgotten to bring out the Roast Potatoes from the oven. None of us even noticed because there was so much on the plate already but Mum suddenly realised right near the end of eating it all and let out a wail and run off towards the back porch. We all gave it a moment before going after… Read more »


The bedtime stories my mum made up for me almost 50 years ago, I can still remember them and now tell them to my grandchildren


That she is hopeless at cooking but still tries really hard. Liquid sausages anyone?


watching my mum doing the washing up with her parrot, Barney, on her shoulder!


The memory I’m most proud of my mum, By the time I was 18 years old I had lost who I was and had been through alot, I caused problems left right and centre not just for myself but also for my family, despite all of this and the nasty things I said to my mum whilst growing up when I needed her most she was there for me. I remember the day we started saying “I love you” to each other again like before when I was her baby boy, it made me feel like I was worth something… Read more »


going to work with my mum was a fond memory of mine


this is for Maureen, she’s not my real mum but close enough! She took me in to her home including my dog! Constantly makes me laugh and I think she deserves a special thankyou! Her family don’t bother about her which is very sad as she’s a lovely 85 yr old lady! thanks Maureen xx


Loved it when I used to visit my mum we go shopping but sadly she passed away nearly 11 years ago miss those times


My favourite Mummy memories are of when we used to do the washing up together after a big sunday roast. It was a quite time when I could chat about my week at school and we always managed to have a giggle about something!
I miss those days!


Being my best friend & treating me as an equal including her acting like a child & dressing up as a black & whiteam minstrel (which she trulyou suited seeing as she has affro hair to begin with. It grew like a crash helmet & in the 70’same it was nearly as big as OJ Sampsons in the Police Squad/Airplane film I think it was where he has to walk through a door sideways cos his hair was so big. Priscilla Presley was girlfriend of the mad funny cop whose name has just slipped my mind where he done a… Read more »


My best memory of my mum was when she said that she wasn’t cooking dinner that night and was getting a take away.
My mum was a terrible cook. I dreaded dinner at home.
Eveytime she called us for dinner I would be in almost tears at what unrecognisable and unedible food she had made us that night.

Probably not the story you looking for but that’s the only good memory I got.
My nan was a great cook, roast potatoes too die for. So spent as much time at hers for dinner as I could.


The best memory I have of my Mother is……when we were young we would go to Morcombe every Easter to go on the fair…buy tacky ..but treasured trinkets hah..hahaha .and ..of course…bars and bars of Morcombe rock….we ..all four of us…managed to convince the Mother to go on a ride with us…it’s not fast Mum or high..we promise. It was the rollercoaster..hahaha…as we reached the top of the first drop the Mother realised we had duped her…off came the glasses…followed by screams and threats that we were going to pay.. we laughed so hard all the way through the ride… Read more »


I think the memory that has made the most impact on me is from last year. I’ve spent 9 years not being well and during that time I’ve been ignored and fobbed off by doctors and specialists, but my mother has always stood by me and believed me even when no one else would. Last year, after a few diagnoses and a surgery that didn’t go so well, I got a call one evening from my surgeon saying I would need an ileostomy and a stoma bag. I think I had bottled things up for so long and the accumulation… Read more »


All the cooking and baking i think. Many happy memories


My best memory is of snuggling up and being told stories, this was the only time my mum had time to spend with me and my siblings, as she was a mother of 6 girls, she worked full time and was a single parent.


My mum booked a little break for us to Mablethorpe in Durham, so she thought, turned out to be the Mablethorpe in Lincolnshire so we had a trip in a taxi to get there all very exciting for us kids. It was a good place to holiday.


Me and my mum was putting a gazebo up in the back garden one summer and the heavens well and truely opened .. we used the gazebo sheet to cover us from the heavy rain as we didnt want to give in and then it started thundering and lightening … we couldnt stop laughing at our misfortune seen as it was brought that day and the weather was stunnin b4 hand … when we finally did get it up it stopped raining lol


When my mum was ill, and accidentally flushed her false teeth down the loo!


when my mum confused dolphins with reindeer


When she was taken on stage by rod hull and emu ?


Hugging me and telling me she loved me when I was going through a tough time <3


i have too many favourite memories of my mum she really is the best id not change her for anything x


My mum was an excellent seamstress and made my 2 sisters and me a new dress every year especially for the Sunday School Anniversary. Of course she made all our clothes but these were extra special!


My favourite memory of my Mum is her looking after me when I got diagnosed with mental illnesses


I would love to win these flowers for my mum. I suffered with severe postnatal depression when I had my son, something not often talked about. She convinced me to get help from the Dr’s & looked after my son twice a week, overnight. She is in her 60’s & this wasn’t easy, and now she’s still a brilliant mum & an ace nanna to her favourite (& only) grandson who also adores her & they have a really close relationship& he still enjoys going for sleepovers & making cakes with nanna xx


?? I would love to win some flowers for my mums grave ? , she died in 2010 a year after my little sister died from lung cancer at 45 yrs old leaving behind 7 children, the youngest was only 11 ????, we think my mum died from a broken heart ?? because when my sister was diagnosed with cancer she took the decision not to tell my mum about her illness because she didn’t want our mum to worry , 5 weeks after being diagnosed, my little sister passed away ??? ? and when my mum found out it… Read more »


This is for my nan who 94 and has looked after me more than my mother…she has always given me strength to do what I wanted and has help my become in her eyes a wonderful granddaughter, so she’s always telling me, but people say I’m just like her. This bouquet would make her day and mine.


My mum is the best, I,ve unfortunately been in and out of hospital for 6 years due to infection, resulting in an amputation and she has helped me and sat with me on my bad days throughout all of it. She’s always there for me and helps me with anything. However, my best ‘mum’ moment, that is almost the opposite of a ‘helpful mum’ is from when I was 10. I used to run across the school field and climb over the fence to reach her car when school was over, as she walked round through the gates. On one… Read more »


I would love to win this for my best friends mum as she is wonderful!She took me in when I was homeless and treated me like a daughter! Even though I had my issues she accepted me and got me back on my feet! So I’d love this for Angela Dallibar please x


Always brings me a bottle of Orange tango if i’m ill…..from the age of 5 to my current ago of 37 she hasn’t let me down once! ?


Ditto! I get hot ribena and chicken soup! If I,m really ill then I,ll also get orange lucozade and grapes too! Almost makes being poorly worth it!


Would love to win this for my Mum, so many beautiful bouquets to choose from too.


My mother in law cracks me up, she once received a text from an airline regarding her flight, not reading it properly she thought it was from her son- she replied “thanks love x”. I laughed for days.


My mother worked full time bringing up six girls on her own. She was always so busy but she always had us all in her bed before bedtime to tell us a story. This time with mum was priceless as it was the only time of the day she had time to be with us.


My favourite memory of my mum is from a summer back in the 90’s when pogs were all the rage. I was obsessed with them and drove her so mad that she had a dream about hanging pogs on the washing line! Made me laugh so much and always sticks in my mind 🙂 x


This made me laugh out loud 😀


My Mum was a constant support to me & I have so many precious memories but the one I hold dear was laughing & joking with her about how she would love having some strippers as entertainment in the home where she lived out her final days. This happened when she emerged for a couple of weeks from the fog that had clouded her mind for the previous few years – she passed away a couple of months later but that time with my real Mum again was wonderful x If I won I would give this to the lovely… Read more »


My mum passed away when I was young but I remember her well. Her last words were to ask how I was. That has stayed with me, knowing her last thoughts were of me. I’d like the planter to put in my window to remind me of her or to put on her grave. X


One of my favourite memories is of my Mum and my Nanna taking me and my siblings to Bridlington for the day on the train every summer. We used to sit in the same little corner on the beach, buy those small cans of pop from the drinks stand in Woolworths, take a picnic and go for a play in the adventure play area for an hour while they went for a walk. Will always be one of my fondest memories.


My brother and my mum always used to get those little tins from the pick n mix section in woolys! 5 for £1!! We used to take them on picnics too! Nothing like a warm, small, tin of pop on a hot lazy picnic day!


Made my wedding dress it was perfect


bathing me in the kitchen sink – sitting on the drainer was cold – my sister even got the water after me! my mum never wasted water!


Taking a really lovely photo of her earring because she had the camera the wrong way round!


haha I have seen many of these too


My mum is my hero, she’s now paralysed from the neck down due to M.S but I have so many happy, fun memories of her, too many to mention just one! She never moans and still giggles at every given opportunity. She’s the bravest and most caring person I have ever met xxx


A couple of days before my wedding day my mother had a scare with skin cancer and had to have intensive biopsy the same day so was unable to make it… My favourite memory is taking my wedding dress and all accessories with me to the rents and surprised mum by getting dressed up again and told her to put her outfit on that she had planned to wear…My husband then took some pictures of us together and separate for photos to add to the wedding album! With some clever photo shopping the pictures were complete… Thoroughly enjoyed recreating being… Read more »


Buying me the beano and a proper bottle of lucazade (with the crunchy cellophane around it) when of sick from school


After my father past away suddenly, in 1978 aged just 47, my mum worked five jobs to keep us all together. She received no benefits as they didn’t help widows then like now. She was a cleaner, worked in the farmers field, whether that be planting veg or picking potatoes. She took in peoples washing, we didn’t have a washing machine at the time so she had to use the bath. But I remember lots of happy times through out this period too. She’s now almost 86, still lives in the house we grew up in, very independent – some… Read more »


Lovely story!
My mum worked 3 jobs but still found time to be there for all the important bits, inc. A good bedtime story!
Good on your mum for her bravery and independence.
She sounds like an awesome lady!
U must be very proud.
With mums that are sometimes too independent, u just have to barge on in and make em dinner! Lol! I do it for my grandma, she sounds just like your mum!


Taking care of me during all my illnesses and injuries